Shiratori_Tenshi Entrar | Regístrate GRATIS
Sexo: Hombre
Buscando: Ambos
Ciudad: Shibuya
Región: Kanagawa
País: Japan
Descripción: Shiratori Tenshi, the founder of the Shiratori family and a Primordial Shinigami, stands tall at 182.88cm and carries a balanced weight of 74.84kg. His luminous golden eyes and pristine snow-white hair radiate an aura of celestial majesty and divin
Estado civil: Casado/a
Origen Étnico: Asiático/Oriental
Altura: 169 - 181 cm
Tipo de Cuerpo: En forma
Hábitos de Fumar: Periódicamente
Hábitos de Beber: Socialmente
Educación: Secundaria
Salario: 40k-60k
Religión: Espiritual
Política: No interes
Intereses His clothing is a reverse Shihakusho, with an elaborate hooded haori and several samurai modifications. The Shiratori crane emblem is pinned on the right of his haori.