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placing the basket upon his steps she whispered "hope all is well" before she moved slipping off his porch heading to her home* - hace 1 hora
*Zahara slips into his realm carrying a heated basket containing homemade fried chicken, cheddar and herb mashed potatoes, black eyed peas with a cooling department with his favorite wine inside C - hace 1 hora
~Strides in and glances about as she lowered her sunglasses. ~” Will hello brother of mine. Seems things have changed since Ive been gone.” - Hace 6 horas
*seeing the gift a smile rose across sleep filled hues, opening said box a smile pulled upon pout as she whispered "thank you" setting the box down she moved to start her day awaiting his return* - Hace 13 horas
pride so what better way than to spray it upon his home, smiling at her work she turned and ran back to her home before anyone noticed* - Hace 23 horas
🩵 - Hace 23 horas
*Zahara slipped up to his home while him and Jade slept peacefully in their beds, taking a can of turquoise spray pain she sprayed "Zahara Love's You Both" in giant letters she wanted to say it with C - Hace 23 horas
You're welcome love n..n - Ayer
*Zahara slipped up to his domains leaving a heart shaped basket upon the porch with assorted donuts and treats for him and Jade, before turning to slip back down the stairs exiting his view* - Ayer
. - Ayer
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