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Fyi just cuz I'm not in relationship at the moment don't mean I'm climbing in to the arms of another so quickly.. besides I haven't decided what I'm doing yet - hace 1 hora
Always willing to help a friend - Hace 11 horas
"Thank you for the kind dots, Jade." - Hace 11 horas
“Here’s a gift for you, it also seems you have a bat.” - Hace 13 horas
*Peeks in and leaves a care pack of a bunch of different green items. Like candy and snacks along with drinks as well as some self care items.* c. - Hace 13 horas
“I see.” .-. “A fun to just hang around. You should try it sometimes.” Was said from above. “Made any chicken Alfredo recently?” - Hace 15 horas
Just reminded me of the famous kiss cuz ur hanging upside down .. giggles as ur literally just hanging out - Hace 15 horas
I don’t shoot them kinds of webs. But, why do you ask?” His hands swayed slightly, like a pendulum. - Hace 16 horas
“I’m glad to hear that you can’t relate to that feeling.” Was said as hands that previously rested nestled within arms against chest fell as if reaching. “Can’t say I have, <c - Hace 16 horas
Well can't say I can relate to the other head rush .. she gave a playful wink ..wonder if u have ever done the whole Spider-Man kiss hanging around - Hace 16 horas
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