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♞[Knight Two Thousand]♞, Citas
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"In a manner of speaking, Yes."[He responded to her first inquiry of sorts, before responding to the 2nd.]"And, of Course. I would be Happy to become friends,>> - Hace 2 días
* she step back a bit * so what your saying is you are a talking car? Whoa... * She gave a cheesy grin* will you be my friend I've never met a talking car - Hace 2 días
>>,atleast..not the Traditional kind of driver.."[He went on, although his voice started to trail off on that last part.] - Hace 2 días
* she knock on the tinted window cupping em on the side of head looking to see if someone was inside* is there someone in there don't be shy I'll be your friend? - Hace 2 días
"Hello.."[Was then softly projected in return, before the A.I. would attempt to explain.]"The voice you are hearing Is indeed coming from the Car before you, & No, there is no driver..>> - Hace 2 días
* she became curious tho where did the voice come from she walked about the slick black vehicle looking*. Uhh hello? - Hace 2 días
"Uh-oh.."[Was then barely audibly uttered, as he assumed he had somehow frightened the young girl, going on to then project soft vocal tones to say.]"Oh, I'm sorry..Did I frighten you?" - Hace 2 días
* the happy lil squirrel too the opportunity and scurried off up a tree she watch taking a step to go give chase but seeing it up a tree she sigh* dang it fluffy is not gunna be happy. - Hace 2 días
* she jump and a high pitch scream escape taken back a bit as the cars auto escaped and startled her she stood frozen in place for a moment* - Hace 2 días
>>,albeit barely audibly, as he the moment..unsure what to Do, although one thing was certain, he did Not want the little squirrel hiding it's apparent stolen pb sandwich anywhere on Him.] - Hace 2 días
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