Comentarios de Psycho-Mech (9) Entrar | Regístrate GRATIS
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MiGo Alchemy and Unit Scientist technology passed down to his assistant Dr Daskin allowed the dying Unit Scientist to have his brain tranferred into a cyborg body. - 2018-09-17
Newly discovered information reveal Psycho Mech is none other than the living brain of the deceased Unit Scientist in which was a failsafe in case he was killed. - 2018-09-17
Brain Entity can use high intensity crimson plasma blasts after assimilation of the energy from the Red Dragonkng Templar Armor after battle in Avalon city. - 2018-01-14
©©© Unit Scientist mind is integrated in all of his technology ©©© - 2017-09-15
< A.I access granted into Mecha City > - 2017-09-14
Exo-Skeleton weighs over 10,000lbs of highly dense and polished star metal alloy with a power core of Nuclear/Dark matter infusion. - 2017-05-08
A special neutralizing compound can be used to freeze Nocen and Nocen Nightmare virus for study by the Mi-Go. The Mi-Go work independently of the Mythos though loyal to Nyarlathotep. - 2017-05-06
The 'Super Adaptoid Program' which was implanted within Psycho-Mech makes it extremely dangerous for it can mimic the abilities of a target and store it data system. - 2017-04-10
The Insectoid race of Mi-Go created the Psycho-Mech as a new breed of superweapon, but later considered the superweapon too unstable. The Mi-Go sought to destroy the superweapon yet it escaped. - 2017-04-10