Comentarios de DEMOGORGON- (20) Entrar | Regístrate GRATIS
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Amigos: 11
H, Demon Prince of the 88th Layer of the Abyss.
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( I'm not Draconian lmbo!, My fist & sword dunna care what realm your occupying, the damage just the same.) - 2019-01-05
Hewo - 2019-01-05
I can do to you.... Pass these messages along, your running around could be halted soon.) - 2018-12-15
(Demons can be hunted & banished. I am thee who holds your master chained up like the bad dog he is. Me.. A single Angel holds the power of all hell, in chains. Imagine what -c - 2018-12-15
To eye socket... ~He laughed as he looked at the being~ Time and place child - 2018-12-06
Than willing to step out and end lives...the question is..are you prepared for the taste of Oblivion as it skewers threw your skull...or perhaps the taste of your own bile as I split you from groin(c - 2018-12-06
Hunted and eaten? ~The Deaconian males form stepped in, seen just at the mask of the Male would be a blackened rose allowing its sweet aroma to play upon his senses~ Who needs to hunt Me? I am more(c - 2018-12-06
Enter my realm again demon an your fate will be sealed within the relics of non existence. For i can kill you permanently no matter where you are. This is my final warning to you an your kind. - 2017-08-25
"You lost one limb. Try coming after any of Nephew's people and your head's will be next." - 2016-10-02
. - 2016-09-13
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