Comentarios de KITT_ (200) Entrar | Regístrate GRATIS
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♞[Knight Two Thousand]♞, Citas
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Whining isn't gonna help you. Ffs. - Hace 2 horas
Can you stfu? Stop flooding my feeds with your bs. If you want to leave, leave in silence, stop trying to get attention and if you're being stalked, take it up with your local PD. - Hace 2 horas
((I am truly sorry you are stalked. For I also have internet stalker trolls..but, you shouldn't take out your rage on others who haven't done anything..)) - Hace 2 horas
OK i'm not the cunnt who clones u mfs don't know shiiit - Hace 2 horas
Np I'll let the kok sucker who clones me win i'm done with the bs. I'm stalked and no1 gives **** - Hace 2 horas
No point me being on here no1 wants me m I'm cloned. Told to fug off. What's there for me on here? Nothing i'm obviously not wanted no point being on here - Hace 2 horas
(what I seriously don't get is why she makes so many names just to act the same yet blames everyone else. You'd think she gets tired of it) - Hace 2 horas
((I've done nothing wrong. You should understand that I care dearly for my friend, & her rooms, I would respect whatever rule Your room had, why can't you do the same?)) - Hace 2 horas
U all can get ****ed im sick of that kok sucker causing drama **** ur rulez u all can get ****ed 🖕🖕 - Hace 2 horas
((I may as well not rp in rooms today or tonight..The bully/troll is at it again..I tire of this..I have had enough..)) - Hace 12 horas
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