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The Elon Muck Report
House-Money - Hace 7 minutos
House-Money - Hace 6 minutos
If I am elected I will clear the deck
House-Money - Hace 6 minutos
On death row
House-Money - Hace 5 minutos
Authoritarian words
supereddie - Hace 5 minutos
House-money your the one with TDS not me. I am well capable of thinking for myself.
 67 H
House-Money - Hace 5 minutos
You slowly brainwashing white ppl to accept anything hence you are a anything thinking cult
supereddie - Hace 2 minutos
House-money I don't know what your trying to get at but if you look at all the crime that George Floyd would have don't but can't do now I might have to agree with you
 67 H
House-Money - Hace 2 minutos
When was the last time you saw a brainwashed cult dress alike same the same jinglistic words parrot a rotten brainwashed bigot who will lie wedge distort any issue to benefit him and white ppl play stupid like it isn't happening
supereddie - Hace 1 minutos
Done not don't dang this thing trying to mess up what I say. It must be a democrat
 67 H
House-Money - Hace 34 segundos
It is completely insane and you tell crazy ppl you are winning lmmfao and a brainwashed bigot actually believe they are winning

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