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People are angry.
SICK-WITTED - Hace 4 horas
Joe had 4 years, and didn't really accomplish anything. We are in the same place, and you claim there has been progress? 🫵🤪👈 koo koo
 54 H
SICK-WITTED - Hace 4 horas
How can you make more when all ur doing is making more posts? 🫵😄
 54 H
SICK-WITTED - Hace 4 horas
Your melt is really deluded
 54 H
House-Money - Hace 4 horas
Best economy in the world. 25 trillion made no lying needed no disinfectant needed
House-Money - Hace 4 horas
Joe Biden saved us from 491 m fraud
House-Money - Hace 4 horas
A ussy grabibg president extorting G7 leader shoving bigot
House-Money - Hace 4 horas
Lol and white ppl actually wanted 4 more years of lies
House-Money - Hace 4 horas
He lying about stormy with tape pictures a signed check smh white ppl entertain the lie because they don't care they are radicalized
House-Money - Hace 4 horas
If this case doesn't show you Trump is in trouble nothing will. We have his voice saying pay in cash every brainwashed bigot pretends they don't hear it. Lmmfao so if you are a anything thinking racist you don't hear him say cash
SICK-WITTED - Hace 2 horas
So you'd rather the war monger than the woman monger? Great ideals! 🫵😃👍
 54 H

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