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The Elon Muck Report
Biden2024Harris - hace 1 hora
supereddie - hace 1 hora
Djack let's talk about the infrastructure bill Joe passed 3 years ago that gave him 1.75 trillion dollars. And 3 years later not one shovel full of dirt has been moved. Hummm did all that money go to bring in and house illegal immigrants.
 67 H
supereddie - hace 1 hora
Djack the American people deserve answers and I demand an answer from you.
 67 H
Djack7-18 - Hace 9 minutos
1.1 billion of that infrastructure money came to Bham Alabama. I don't know where the rest was allocated. I'll bet Texas got a big chunk. What did Abbott do with it?
Djack7-18 - Hace 7 minutos
Here we go ... the answer you deserve...
Djack7-18 - Hace 6 minutos
The federal government allocated 42.5 billion dollars to Texas from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act
Djack7-18 - Hace 5 minutos
Abbott needs to provide the answers, Eddie. 42 billion, and not a single shovel of dirt overturned.
supereddie - Hace 3 minutos
Abbott may have spent it wisely on razor wire to try and stop our over run border since Biden has done nothing to stop them
 67 H
supereddie - Hace 2 minutos
Every time we put up the razor wire Biden sends in a crew to take it down again
 67 H
Djack7-18 - Hace 58 segundos
The 1.1 billion here is being used to complete the Birmingham Beltway. Once complete, Birmingham will be able to compete with Atlanta. 2 new high dollar high rise projects have just been started downtown in anticipation.

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