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People are angry.
Larry77 - Hace 3 días
I really dont care if you kill each other makes for good television lmao
 45 H
Larry77 - Hace 3 días
I really dont care if you kill each other makes for good television lmao
 45 H
Larry77 - Hace 3 días
Blks are so backwards yall are unified right well how every time u turn on the news blks are killing blks so were is the unity there your killing each other and over what I really think yall hate each other more than the whites or what ever other race yall complain about brother lol
 45 H
Tower7-G - Ayer
Larry the news is into brainwashing white ppl. Fox paid 787 million for lying to white ppl. The Wallstreet journal got caught pretending Trump is sane everyone knows he isn't
Tower7-G - Ayer
They won't even tell Republicans they are losing everywhere on every issue. You have lost every election since Bush with the exception of 1 which you got 46.2% of white ppl to vote for you. You lost the popular vote by 2.9 million ppl
Tower7-G - Ayer
The country isn't right wing the court is.
Blabberblabber - Ayer
White ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl
Blabberblabber - Ayer
White ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl
Blabberblabber - Ayer
White ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl
Blabberblabber - Ayer
White ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl white ppl

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