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People are angry.
silly-willy - Hace 19 horas
This entire threadis insurmountable proof that you are a racist, bigot and all around mental midget.
silly-willy - Hace 19 horas
This entire threadis insurmountable proof that you are a racist, bigot and all around mental midget.
silly-willy - Hace 19 horas
This entire threadis insurmountable proof that you are a racist, bigot and all around mental midget.
silly-willy - Hace 19 horas
You're an embarrassment to humanity.
House-Money - Hace 19 horas
Nope you are lying G see, telling America how racist the GOP is proves my point. Why would anyone sane support the GOP?
House-Money - Hace 18 horas
The right has fallen off a cliff. You are now Qanon backing bigots everyone breathing knows that
House-Money - Hace 18 horas
Why is it saying Trump is a crazy racist met with Trump derangement syndrome why is it we are deranged and not you for supporting him?
silly-willy - Hace 17 horas
More insurmountable proof of my earlier statement, lol. Let me help you: You're griping about being called stop yourself and think if you can get your brain to somehow do called people Deplorable.
silly-willy - Hace 17 horas
Mental midget.
SICK-WITTED - Hace 6 horas
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