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People are angry.
PDG-1619 - Ayer
Even when the opposition is anti American? Even when they told you they want nothing to do with America as we know it? Keep pretending the otherside is operating in good faith because they are white
PDG-1619 - Ayer
You either side with facts or a lie Biden representing facts and Trump representing the lie. Most Americans side with the truth
PDG-1619 - Ayer
491 in fraud 34 felony convictions 2 impeachments constant pathological lying white ppl living the lie their life was better when 1 million ppl died the economy tanked and Trump got voted out
PDG-1619 - Ayer
When Trump tells you Biden is the person indicting him know that is a right wing lie
Evangelinaxx - Hace 22 horas
PDG, I really wish u would stop bringing whites up like they're evil. That creates division. It's really not helping ur cause. Try to make ur point without uses races. Simply vote against the candidate u feel brings the division. Don't add to it. Come on, please consider it.
Evangelinaxx - Hace 22 horas
Some ppl are good. Some ppl are bad. It doesn't matter the race.
Evangelinaxx - Hace 22 horas
I'm not a Trump follower just to make it clear. I am not fond of Biden. Don't tear my choices apart. Both of these men are too old.
PDG-1619 - Hace 5 minutos
Even if some are? Take Tom Cotton who says blk ppl rioting all summer was more dangerous then Trump trying to steal a election. It's like white ppl pretend a police officer didn't kill a blk man on Facebook live
PDG-1619 - Hace 3 minutos
You ppl let Trump say he will pardon chit smearing bigots lol that alone would have ended your campaign if you wasn't racist
PDG-1619 - Hace 40 segundos
Saying ppl are coming in here from Africa smh pretending the border isn't about pushing white supremacy. You let the proud boys and oath keepers take over your party and you play stupid on the issues. Example a right wing court is holding up charges that will send a racist to jail for life all because Trump is the choice of white ppl sweetheart that is a fn checkmate

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