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The Elon Muck Report
supereddie - 2022-12-12
FBI interfered in the election
 67 H
N/D - 2024-05-31
Believe their way
supereddie - 2024-05-31
Ever top legal mind in the USA and other countries all see this trial and a kangaroo court. They only went after Trump to stop him from being out next president. And only got Trump more support by doing so.
 67 H
supereddie - 2024-05-31
Djack ever time Trump's lawyer ask an objection it was substained by the judge. When the prosecution objected the judge granted it. And you think it was a fair trial. Only djack would think that. Right eva
 67 H
Davidpeterson21 - 2024-05-31
There's no way it was a fair trial that judge should have recused himself his wife worked for Leticia James where they were trying to get him on the finance charges his daughter is a lobbyist for the Democrat party he has donated money to the Democrat party he has even donated money to a group of people that are anti-trump. I could go on and on that trial will be appealed but they got what they wanted
Djack7-12 - 2024-05-31
Stop lying, Eddie. Trump got a fair trial. If anything is at fault, it's our legal system, that's under the Constitution. Our Constitution must be corrupt.
Davidpeterson21 - 2024-05-31
They take a misdemeanor that the statute of limitations ran out on they gag order Trump they don't allow him to speak they don't allow him to bring in certain experts to testify for him the judge is all happy when it's the prosecutor side and all mad when it's Trump's side he misled the jury it's going to be appealed there's no FMS or butts in any legal expert says it's a debacle
Djack7-12 - 2024-05-31
Daviepoo, it's irrelevant what people think or feel. The law doesn't care about feelings. We have a process that is followed. Was it not followed? You need to be specific about how Trump's rights were vyolated. What specific action was taken that vyolated due process in any way?
N/D - 2024-05-31
This is why I was gunna break from here before.jdc about the drama of politics
Djack7-12 - 2024-05-31
If you can't tell me any due process errors, then what amendment are we talking?
Djack7-12 - 2024-05-31
What occured?

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