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Bruh. 😐
Sapphire1974 - 2024-05-23
Atsuko17 - 2024-05-25
Who or what is Bruh?
 24 M
N/D - Hace 7 días
Bruh is a term of endearment in a way. A step above a stranger,more like a friend.
NecroChick85 - Hace 7 días
 39 M
Atsuko17 - Hace 2 días
Who or what is Bruh?
 24 M
N/D - Hace 2 días
Not that question again Bruh means red stilettos 👠 and 💄
IonShareMaMuffin - Ayer
 39 M
ApatheticMoi - Hace 15 horas
 39 M
Jewish4evax - Hace 2 horas
Bruh 😎 Domey
Jewish4evax - Hace 2 horas
Domey!! Somebody's mad at lil ole me 😭 I'm an angel

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