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People are angry.
House-Money - Ayer
Now having a chance to hear evidence we will quickly determine there is overwhelming evidence in every unofficial act and if officially immune the courts can Pearce that immunity by showing he acted in a unofficial manner
House-Money - Ayer
See in order for a act to be official you must carry it out in a official manner.
House-Money - Ayer
Ask anyone who has a mind you must go through a ceremony when changing command all official acts
House-Money - Ayer
So if he cheated someone out of a promotion because he would obey a unlawful command he would be immune from being prosecuted on that. We once said bribery was illegal as of today it isn't
House-Money - Ayer
Trump called bribery the perfect call a brainwashed bigot cosigned it
House-Money - Ayer
It's why they hide pretend it is about sleepy Joe when the cat is out of the bag
House-Money - Ayer
White supremacist have taken over print media NBC ABC CBS all bought by bigots pumping in Americans head Joe is old as if it will change our vote
House-Money - Ayer
When are bigots going to Ban together and Tell Trump suspend your campaign you have 34 felonies you are confusing and radicalizing white ppl
Righteousbeech - Ayer
Word! Nuts!
House-Money - Ayer
They are talking revolution and white ppl say we are winning that is the Democrats problem lmmfao you have no idea you have already lost. Your guy called a American vermin smh

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