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If You Don't Tell Anyone...
Mexicana666 - Hace 7 días
Pole dancing by fairies?๐Ÿง
 40 M
Huevomonstrosity - Hace 7 días
Just one Hobbit pole dances with me.My wife is very hobbit-like as per Tolkien's description of Hobbits in "The Hobbit". She's not very tall, has really big feet and loves to eat yummibles.
Daretobdiferent - Hace 7 días
Getting out a splinter๐ŸคŸ
 55 H
Mexicana666 - Hace 7 días
 40 M
Daretobdifferent - Hace 7 días
I'm going to have to watch Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit again. Been so long.
 55 H
Mexicana666 - Hace 7 días
I still haven't watched the Hobbit. I have two parts but not the other. I won't watch them without the other. I'm picky.๐Ÿคฃ
 40 M
Daretobdifferent - Hace 7 días
Have you seen the 1977 animated The Hobbit Mexi?
 55 H
Huevomonstrosity - Hace 7 días
I was impressed with LOTR. I read the books numerous times and felt they did an awesome job with the screen adaptation...though I wish Treebeard and the Ents had been given more attention in the movies.
Mexicana666 - Hace 7 días
Yup, I've seen the animated version.๐Ÿ˜‰ Saw it in fifth grade and again in high school when we were doing a play. I tried to watch somewhere in between when it was on TV, but my dad had a fit about "needing" to watch Beavis and Butthead and turned the station. Like he didn't already own the dang movie.๐Ÿ™„
 40 M
Mexicana666 - Hace 7 días
I liked the guy they had in the first LOTR book but not the movie. I forget his name, but he was fun. He put on the ring and nothing happened.๐Ÿค˜
 40 M

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