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Burgerian Imperative part 3
DomesReturn - 2024-05-06
Aww Sassy!! 😁❤️
 35 M
DomesReturn - 2024-05-06
Lemme add something real quick fast to the Dp/Juggs breakup, ladies and gentlemen. Just had my cawfee and I got a mad od caffeine rush!! 😆
 35 M
DomesReturn - 2024-05-06
Feeling a bit worried and concerned for her BFF's situation Domewoman excuses herself from the group and follows the distraught Deadpool. Not to be left out, Domebell follows as well. "Yo hold up, Big Sis!! Lemma come with ya!!" says the tiny fairy as she zips after the blonde powerhouse. 😁
 35 M
DomesReturn - 2024-05-06
"Man, I feel bad for Pooly. He really did like that ditz. Imma try and help him out. He is my homey after all." says Domewoman while following Deadpool and his little pal Sassy. "Yeah that was kinda grimey what Juggs did." adds Domebell while flying above Domewoman's head. 😊
 35 M
DomesReturn - 2024-05-06
Nurse Juggslowski continues to make her way out of the film studio and quickly heads over towards the parking lot towards her red 1979 Corvette Stingray; a gift from her father when the ditzy nurse turned 18. Deadpool and Sassy follow close behind. Deadpool continues to apologize but to no avail as Juggs clearly isn't listening. 😳
 35 M
DomesReturn - 2024-05-06
"Aw come on, Juggs. You're really breaking up with me...over some pics?? Really, Juggs??" says Deadpool in a whiny voice. "Yes, Wade. I'm breaking up with you. That was the last draw." replies Nurse Juggslowski as she opens her car door and gets behind the steering wheel. "It's STRAW, Juggs. And you've never called me by my real name before." says Deadpool while trying to calm Sassy who's clawing at his feet. 😆
 35 M
DomesReturn - 2024-05-06
"I said WE'RE THROUGH, WADE!!" says Nurse Juggslowski in an angry tone. She begins to start her car and revs the engine ready to drive off but suddenly realizes the car isn't moving. "Why won't this thing move??!!" yells Juggs while stepping on the gas pedal. 😳
 35 M
DomesReturn - 2024-05-06
Deadpool looks over and sees Domewoman holding the Corvette with just one hand by it's back fender. She then lifts it a few feet off the ground by it's rear tires. "Omg that's so awesome, Sugar Tush." says Deadpool in amazement completely ignoring Nurse Juggslowski's protests. 😆
 35 M
DomesReturn - 2024-05-06
"Nows your chance to try and fix things, homey." says Domewoman while continuing to hold the car by it's back fender. Domebell zips around to try and calm the always aggressive Sassy. 😁
 35 M
DomesReturn - 2024-05-06
"Let go of my car before I get out and..." says Nurse Juggslowski furiously. Domewoman glares at Deadpool who quickly tries to diffuse the situation before the ditzy nurse and her car are tossed over into another state. 😆
 35 M

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