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Dr Kevorkian
Nanajillx2 - 2024-06-16
Did you agree with his merhods?
Nanajillx2 - 2024-06-16
Jos4 - 2024-06-16
Gogled him, and I'm in no disagreeable with uth anasia withing very strict reasoning.
Jos4 - 2024-06-16
Typo - disagreement
Jos4 - 2024-06-16
FFS.. Jill, your becoming contagious with your mispellings
Jos4 - 2024-06-16
Jos4 - 2024-06-16
Back to the topic at hand, this Dr Kevorkian seems like an angel in his own right.
Jewish4evaxx - 2024-06-17
I agree ppl with terminal cancer have a right to pass away with dignity. If I was terminally, I'd do it. I've seen too many appear to be in pain in their last days, and I don't truly know if the pain meds work. I don't wanna suffer and I don't wanna be a burden and allow my loved ones to watch me suffer. Sadly, it's illegal in my state. I'm too afraid to do it myself. I don't wanna suffer while my life is ending. Very good topic.
oldsmartsafejjj - 2024-06-17
He’s a saint. Ten generations from now he will be enshrined as a hero in history and kids will shake their heads that ppl were forbidden to fully own their own life and dispose of it as they please. And that u could be put to death by criminals or the government but never by yourself.
 69 H
Jewish4evaxx - 2024-06-18
Oldsmart is spot on!
Six_Six_Six - 2024-06-18
come to me Jill I'm your Dr.
 58 H

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