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Whats the proper way to handle
JilllovesCarter - 2024-06-24
An inappropriate topic on here. Do you just try and ban it or demand that person to stop and start belittling them. Or do you continue in spite because you think ho dare they tell you what to post.
JilllovesCarter - 2024-06-24
Seventy-Three - 2024-06-24
I think people should just be who they are and shouldn't have to worry about what other people are talking about.. If a person doesn't like the topic or the tm, they don't have to interact. It's easy to ignore topics
 45 H
Seventy-Three - 2024-06-24
Should they flood the forums forcing everyone to deal with the crap just because they don't agree with a topic or conversation?
 45 H
Seventy-Three - 2024-06-24
Or would it be better that they just continue on with their things and let people be who they are?
 45 H
Seventy-Three - 2024-06-24
That wasn't meant to sound targeted at you, tm, though it might have come across that was
 45 H
JilllovesCarter - 2024-06-24
I totally agree with you 73. He topics I don't like I ignore. Or I might read then move to the next topic without replying. But sometimes I have no input . Doesn't mean I don't like it always I just have no opinion to share with that particular topic.
Seventy-Three - 2024-06-24
That's completely understandable, I'm pretty the same, plus I don't always know what to say about certain things
 45 H
JilllovesCarter - 2024-06-24
I don't think we should try and control anything. Ppl don't like to be bossed around. Banning doesn't do much good. It get rid of the topic but they can create a new one.we should just let the site decide what is appropriate and handle it that way.
JilllovesCarter - 2024-06-24
If there were better site monitors we might not like it here and ppl would wither out. Nobody likes restrictions.
Seventy-Three - 2024-06-24
With the things I've seen people post on here, I didn't think there's a single person who could judge another by any rights, so I'm in agreement with that
 45 H

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