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Seventy-Three - Hace 6 días
Open an inter dimensional portal?
 45 H
Seventy-Three - Hace 6 días
Some scientists have proposed that wormholes could be created artificially by using exotic forms of matter or energy, such as negative energy or quantum entanglement. These wormholes could potentially allow travel to parallel universes, different points in time, or other dimensions.
 45 H
Seventy-Three - Hace 6 días
Scientists Think That They Have Discovered the Portal to the Fifth Dimension in a New Study.
 45 H
Seventy-Three - Hace 6 días
While we live our everyday life in the space-time of four dimensions, some scientists anticipate researching hypothetical particles that may serve as a gateway to a warped fifth-dimensional space.
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Seventy-Three - Hace 6 días
The 5th dimension is completely invisible to the human eye, and smaller than subatomic particles like electrons and quarks. The dimension is also thought to be closed in on itself, meaning there's no direct, visible “opening” to it. The 5th dimension can't be observed, but its influence might be visible.
 45 H
Seventy-Three - Hace 6 días
But what would happen if we opened a portal? What would the consequences be?
 45 H
Seventy-Three - Hace 6 días
Imagine the other dimension is much hotter or much colder. Would there be strange weather patterns, or would it mostly just sit there? Would it just be a very bright or very dark hot or cold spot?
 45 H
Seventy-Three - Hace 6 días
Would there be viruses and bacteria strange to our dimension, or maybe there could be dangerous creatures.
 45 H
Seventy-Three - Hace 6 días
The most recognizable denizen of the Fifth Dimension is the troublesome Mister Mxyzptlk. Another famous hero of Fifth Dimension origins is Yz, the Thunderbolt. Yz, who was originally considered a magical genie, is most famous for his adventures with the Justice Society of America in the 1940's.Of course that's just fiction, but it's a what if question.
 45 H
Seventy-Three - Hace 6 días
Suppose the portal only allows energy transfer, so matter can't pass through. It may be just a window looking into another world, or maybe psychic beings could still project their mental energy.
 45 H
Seventy-Three - Hace 6 días
It seems like the scenarios are unlimited whenever dimensional theories are concerned, but I wonder what other things could come out of it. What kind of good can it bring to us? Maybe we could have unlimited space for farms and places where people can build and expand their lives and human influence. History teaches us a lot of valuable lessons, things we can learn from for the future, so maybe, if we found a way, we could find our way with it and better humanity as a whole.
 45 H

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