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Last thing you ate?
alphafoxtrot - 2020-08-18
Rice crispies
 32 M
N/D - 2020-08-18
Her as
JONAHSRUM13 - 2020-08-19
Battered mussels and fries
 50 H
iwonderwhy47 - 2020-08-19
A Guinness milkshake
 38 M
MsRoyaltie - 2020-08-19
Jonah... that sounds tasty.. I love mussels
 59 M
xSlipKnotx - 2020-08-20
A Guinness milkshake@iwonderwhy,is there really such a thing?lol
xSlipKnotx - 2020-08-20
Brekkie ystrdy~Sultana,Cranberry,Raisin+ Apple Porridge
xSlipKnotx - 2020-08-20
Dinner ystrdy~i cooked steak pieces in gravy with chopped onions+carrots,with turnip and creamed potatoes
xSlipKnotx - 2020-08-20
4 bars of Cadburys Double Decker chocolate+a packet of cheesy Wotsit crisps
N/D - 2020-08-20
Pickled egg salad

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