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The Elon Muck Report
Tower7-G - 2024-06-12
Eddie the Deomcratic party won hearts and minds. Republicans only got more white ppl to vote for them. He had more votes in 2020 then he had in 2016 and by that metric he thinks he won. The problem is the blue print to winning a national election is you need more than just white ppl Eddie Obama taught your dumb az that with 2 wins and 2 losses of the white vote
Tower7-G - 2024-06-12
It made you so mad you started backing a person who attempted a coup
Tower7-G - 2024-06-12
Then because it exposed your bigotry you even backed him after 34 felony convictions
Tower7-G - 2024-06-12
Now you are open nazys you are racist at your core. You hate inclusion you hate anything to do with the collective you are individual driven ppl who only care about the issues that concern you. It is why you can give less than a damn about if you are being lied to or not. You only acknowledge the argument not the remedy. You don't care about being caught in a lie. You lie on purpose to push racist propaganda
Tower7-G - 2024-06-12
How else can educated ppl honestly believe 500 million in fraud shouldn't be taken in consideration when sentencing someone who tried to steal a national election. Fake electors lies and hundreds of guilty pleas
Tower7-G - 2024-06-12
He keeps saying polls have him way up it is a lie. His polls with white ppl is way up. That is a difference see if you want a right wing leaning poll you go to ppl with Trump signs in their yard and ask them who would you like as President.
Tower7-G - 2024-06-12
The media thinks reporting what crazy white ppl think shows America which party is really winning. Even Mike Johnson lives in that right wing echo chamber of lies. No sane American votes for someone who has been convicted 34 times
Tower7-G - 2024-06-12
No sane American calls chit smearing bigots hostages or warriors
Tower7-G - 2024-06-12
He has twisted the mind of the average bigot to the point he practically Chits his pants to listen to a speech. You see bigots wearing diapers
Tower7-G - 2024-06-12
He has even got Dummies like 50cent talking about he is feeling Trump because of Rico. You dumb biscute eating fool Rico is on hold dummy bigots are after fanni

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