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The Elon Muck Report
Biden2024Harris - hace 1 hora
PDG-1619 - Hace 20 minutos
Stephen Miller is a sick lying bigot who knows damn well evidence isn't republican nor Democrat it is Truth. See this bigot is poisoning your mind to believe it is politics instead of evidence
PDG-1619 - Hace 17 minutos
Justice Roberts proved he was a brainwashed bigot by pretedinding you could indict a ham sandwich. See Aidio evidence has cornered a anything thinking racist. He wants to push the choice of white ppl even when he is disqualified. You know why? He is a brainwashed bigot who is angry about white grievance
PDG-1619 - Hace 14 minutos
Stephen speaking because he heads up the racist slash proud boy base
PDG-1619 - Hace 10 minutos
He has connected with the oath keepers Boogaloo boys and every white supremacy group in America and they are against Biden they are getting very bold bigots stand and eye you down like they means something
PDG-1619 - Hace 9 minutos
He has connected with the oath keepers Boogaloo boys and every white supremacy group in America and they are against Biden they are getting very bold bigots stand and eye you down like they mean something
PDG-1619 - Hace 7 minutos
Eddie you better have thumper with you because bigots have completely lost their mind over 34 convictions. Bigots don't even Love America they only love their softs sick wrong way thinking side that loses everything from debates to wars bigots have never won anything
PDG-1619 - Hace 5 minutos
Your way of thinking has come crashing down on your fn head. Like I said you are the lie that stained America forever.
PDG-1619 - Hace 3 minutos
Ppl still running around lying to white ppl telling them Trump is winning . It is amazing 70% of sane ppl told this bigot to fold up the tent and the bigot just ignored the polls News started reporting how much a brainwashed bigot made off sick ppl
PDG-1619 - Hace 57 segundos
Trump is a fn insurrectionist bigots who have had their mind collapsed are still backing him. They are among the sickest ppl on our society and anyone with a mind knows it. Trump is radicalizing white ppl and they are still under the spell like he is normal and Joe is the criminal

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