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I have to admit
Huevomonstrosity - 2024-06-23
Men and women are quite different with strengths to compensate the weaknesses of the other. Many people have recognized attempts to feminize Men, which seems to have produced an abundance of Manchilds in younger generations.
Jos4 - 2024-06-23
Cel, you make no sense. Why would you hold a female accountable for acting like YOUR mother, did she manipulate herself into acting that way?
Cel6 - 2024-06-23
Jos' if you want a good man you have to let him be a man don't try to change him work with him and do your role as a loving woman as women were designed to be that way stop trying to be the leader and let the man do that part.
 48 H
Jos4 - 2024-06-23
And why would a male want their female to be like their mother, that's just creeper af
Cel6 - 2024-06-23
Of course I make sense Jos' mother's love for her children will always be greater than any other female could possibly give, and this is why us men expect more from women. So yeah it makes a whole lot of sense. Jos'
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Cel6 - 2024-06-23
It's nothing creepy about a man wanting to be loved by a woman lol
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Cel6 - 2024-06-23
I love being loved by a woman I'm a man a real one and straight as an arrow there ain't no other way I'm going to go so yeah I want to be loved by a woman everyday.
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Cel6 - 2024-06-23
So just be a woman and let us be a man quit trying to do both roles Jos'
 48 H
Cel6 - 2024-06-23
Why wouldn't I want to be loved by a woman that's a silly question Jos'
 48 H
ChanelNo_5 - 2024-06-23
Lol Cel ur full of it.
 44 M

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