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The Elon Muck Report
supereddie - hace 1 hora
You know I try to give them the benefit of my knowledge. Free of charge I might add. And they ignore it. They would rather believe lies over Truth
 67 H
Stalin21 - Hace 41 minutos
You've completely lost your tiny mind
supereddie - Hace 31 minutos
The debate was really unfair for Trump. Just how was Trump to give feedback on what Biden said if he can't understand what Biden said. But the democrat trick backfired on them. No one else could understand what Biden was saying either.
 67 H
Stalin21 - Hace 28 minutos
All Trump did was lie
supereddie - Hace 27 minutos
If you want to feel sorry for someone. Do it for the poor girl doing the hand signs for the deaf people. Every time Biden spoke she couldn't sign to half of what he mumbled.
 67 H
Stalin21 - Hace 25 minutos
I feel sorry for you. What with being so dim and living in the back of a car and all
supereddie - Hace 24 minutos
After all they could of gave the poor girl the answers Biden was to give. So when Biden lost his train of thought she would of known what he was supposed to say.
 67 H
supereddie - Hace 8 minutos
Stalin nothing you can say will make you boy win that debate. And I told you beforehand what was going to happen. You just won't listen to the only one that knows stuff ahead of time
 67 H
Stalin21 - Hace 4 minutos
Why do you think he's my boy? You've become very confused in your dotage
Stalin21 - Hace 2 minutos
I've been saying for months that Biden will be replaced at the Democratic convention

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