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The Elon Muck Report
Evangelinaxx - Hace 10 minutos
Eddie, 🙄🙄🙄 please, do your thing, but I won't fall for your silliness!
supereddie - Hace 8 minutos
Now I have a tree to cut down. I got some 50 to 1 the kind that don't go bad. But I will need more than that. So I might as well make up a gallon out of gasoline and the oil mix I got with my chainsaw I bought. I'm not in very good shape. Hope I can get this job done today. Heck man if I was at myself this would be an easy job for me.
 67 H
Evangelinaxx - Hace 7 minutos
Stalin is correct. I've witnessed u say u would never rent to college black students. All college students can trash a form. I've witnessed u say u had no use for Jews. Save it, Eddie. Nobody cares. That's why I keep my guard up around u.
Evangelinaxx - Hace 6 minutos
Stalin is correct. I've witnessed u say u would never rent to college black students. All college students can trash a dorm. I've witnessed u say u had no use for Jews. Save it, Eddie. Nobody cares. That's why I keep my guard up around u.
PDG-1619 - Hace 6 minutos
Eddie okie doesn't come on because he knows Republicans are lose everywhere on every issue and he has no ability to fight everyone by himself. See brainwashed bigots lie about everything. They want the bend the world to their lying az way of thinking and the world isn't going
supereddie - Hace 5 minutos
It's a shame a once mighty man like myself has been reduced to this. A weak almost sissy boy like my nephew I offered 40$ to just to drag the limbs to the street for me. But said it wasn't enough for 15 minutes of his time.
 67 H
Evangelinaxx - Hace 5 minutos
Eddie, again, u should move. U shouldn't be doing all that stuff.u need an apt.
PDG-1619 - Hace 4 minutos
Trump came out and said his campaign is funds raising at a unbelievable rate lie about the numbers and because he is white America listens to the lie become hypnotized by a lying racist then become radicalized and vote for them
supereddie - Hace 3 minutos
Well I better get to it or it will never get done. I can't afford to have someone come do it for me. The way everyone wants to get paid big money now days.
 67 H
supereddie - Hace 44 segundos
PDG he got 49 million in 10 hours right after the verdict was read. He might of got more but so many people were on his sight to donate it. Crashed the system.
 67 H

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