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The Elon Muck Report
TELLY_BEANS - Hace 47 minutos
Hi Eddie hope you are keeping well. Take care now.
supereddie - Hace 25 minutos
The only thing you two didn't say was that Russia and Iran were not selling oil. So you know they are. But you say I'm lying. Trump stop Russia from finishing their pipe line Biden let them go back to work on it 3 and a half years ago. Germany gets all their oil from Russia that alone gave Russia the money to go back to war with Ukraine. You can wake up a fool but you can't make him see once you do
 67 H
supereddie - Hace 20 minutos
Dang it all that writing and I blinked it off.
 67 H
supereddie - Hace 16 minutos
Ok I will try it again. Great News I found a guy with a truck who will pull my trailer here for me. The best part is he lives out there where my trailer is at. I doubt if he knows the guy I'm buying it from. He has not lived there like me and knows everyone.
 67 H
DareToBe - Hace 14 minutos
Lol you might want to check on your pipeline story TM. You are very wrong. And no one said Russia and Iran don't do oil. That's just you getting confused again.
 55 H
supereddie - Hace 14 minutos
So next month when I get my next check I can get my trailer here.
 67 H
supereddie - Hace 13 minutos
Dare your from Australia no one pays any attention to you over me
 67 H
supereddie - Hace 10 minutos
Boy I tell you it pays to have friends. If I didn't see pickle on face book I would not of found this driver
 67 H
DareToBe - Hace 9 minutos
Lol you don't even know which pipeline you're talking about TM. And really Trump saying no to the pipeline was a bias against Germany, not Russia.
 55 H
DareToBe - Hace 7 minutos
Lol that Russia needed funds for war. That would be your best not knowing today TM. Lol that Russia was poor. Smh 🤔😂
 55 H

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