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The Elon Muck Report
supereddie - Hace 7 horas
I sure hope she don't try to move in when I get my trailer here.
 67 H
Nanajillx2 - Hace 7 horas
Just have them as friends with benefits. Best way. Until you get on your feet. No catching feelings until your life gets turned around.
Nanajillx2 - Hace 7 horas
Wonder why she took off mad .. she wants something. But what? You don't have much.
DTBD - Hace 7 horas
Lol good luck with the trailer TM. Again lol
 55 H
supereddie - Hace 4 horas
Thanks Dare. The only problem now is the weather. Tropical storm will hit Monday and they say we will get down pours all week. So I can't get it next Saturday. The guy drives a hot shot truck and works in Hempstead that's 10 miles from where my trailer is at. But he lives there in the area where my trailer is. Besides all that I don't have the money to pay him till the 3rd
 67 H
supereddie - Hace 4 horas
If it's not to bad of rain I hope my brother will loxn me the money and I will pay him back on the 3rd. I will get it ironed out one of these days. I got the place cleared off where I want to park the trailer. I still have some things to move. Hopefully I will get it done tomorrow.
 67 H
Stalin21 - Hace 3 horas
And you talk about common sense. First rule of starting a project is secure the funds. Something you have entirely failed to do
supereddie - Hace 3 horas
Stalin you worry about yours and let me worry about mine. See my plan was to buy the trailer with cast that I have. The truck I would rent with my credit card. But that fell through. So I had to find another way to get it here. But it took cash. I know you can't understand that so I'm just explaining it to an empty seat that you are sitting in
 67 H
Stalin21 - Hace 3 horas
You're making plans without actually securing the money to fund them. You claim to be making preparations for a trailer that you don't know if you can pay for yet. That's the opposite of common sense. Silly old man
UItramon - Hace 2 horas
In Eddie's World, it makes sense

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