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People are angry.
all-is-black - 2022-08-11
He pleaded the 5th. He did it because he is a lying criminal.
PDG-1619 - 2023-10-23
You ppl are melting down
ugothurt - 2023-10-23
Looks to be YOU are the only one melting down. Did you try that in a small town?
ugothurt - 2023-10-23
Why not put a pampers on your head as well? Your head is full of what fills pampers.
ugothurt - 2023-10-23
Try again, Captain Kangaroo
Partycharlie - 2023-10-24
Biden Harris 2023! Jack Smith 2024! They got the handcuffs on deck for ya Trump!(m)(m)(m)(m)(m)(m)(m)(m):D
 59 H
Partycharlie - 2023-10-24
And still no house speaker
 59 H
PDG-1619 - 2023-10-24
You ppl are melting down
PDG-1619 - 2023-10-24
You ppl are melting down
PDG-1619 - 2023-10-24
Jenna Ellis just plead guilty
PDG-1619 - 2023-10-24
Trump is going to jail for life

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