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The Elon Muck Report
supereddie - 2022-12-12
FBI interfered in the election
 67 H
Daretobdiferent - 2024-06-30
I've come to the conclusion that you love Trump because he does exactly what you do TM. That's makes ridiculous non factual based comments about things completely out of your control. 🤣
 55 H
Partycharlie - 2024-06-30
It's not about hating anyone I'm just not stupid and think trump is fit to be in office the first time and what's even more stupid why vote for him again when it's been proven he unfit and a danger to us all of I was for gop i won't vote for him at least mitt Romney smart to see trump is a disgrace and some of the rest woke the heck up and see trump is only for him self
 59 H
Daretobdiferent - 2024-06-30
TM can't see Trump lowered taxes for the rich when president. Says what he was there for really.
 55 H
Partycharlie - 2024-06-30
Yep Biden and Trump to old Biden should and I believe he will be smart enough to step down but you and some of the rest don't even want that Eddie because you afraid Harris someone of color will replace him a sad way of thinking how is putting trump back in gonna make America great again that's backwards and stupid.
 59 H
supereddie - 2024-06-30
Trump lowered the corporate tsx that was causing all the manufacturing to move out of the US. And Carrier that was about to leave stayed. And other companies came back and even more that Biden say he got to come back. That is why Biden didn't raise the corporate tsx back up. It helped him look good. U 🤡
 67 H
N/D - 2024-06-30
Swinging by saying hello y'all. No politics for me. Just a simple wish for ✌️
supereddie - 2024-06-30
Dare can't see that lowering the corporate tsx was good for the economy. It stop manufacturing from leaving and got others that Left to come back. Dare don't you see most of our car manufacturers move out. They have plants in Mexico now. Oh what a 🤡 u r
 67 H
supereddie - 2024-06-30
Eva it's hard to have peace when your dealing with a bunch of itgitz
 67 H
N/D - 2024-06-30
Mexi, I would luv to go to Salem over Halloween. RIP to all souls that didn't deserve such fate. Religious fanatics 🙄🙄😒
N/D - 2024-06-30
Eddie,u need to give everyone some wiggle room and be more accepting of other's views that are different than yours.

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