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Dark-_-Soul  29 M
Azrael would walk out to the front of the inn and change into the red phoenix and start to fly towards the sky
Tomoe_  105 H
"Goodnight father"..*Came soft sleepy vocals from the boy 'fore he closed his dark violet hues for slumber*
nitewatch  124 H
Climbs in my own bunk, upon hanging my hat on a nearby peg
nitewatch  124 H
Dreamyland awaits, now off with you, to sleep, @ both my children
Dark-_-Soul  29 M
"Goodnight Tomoe" says in a quiet voice "Sweet dreams*
nitewatch  124 H
Covers them both, tucking them in, for a peaceful slumber
Tomoe_  105 H
"Goodnight Beautiful!" *The boy called out, Before he cupped his hands around his mouth to call out* "Goodnight Uncle and Azrael and anyone else!" *Before he reached for his plushie to take and hug it close*
nitewatch  124 H
Kisses beautifuls forehead and then Tomoes, touched their noses, Boop!
Dark-_-Soul  29 M
Unsure as to who she was I watch from a distance
Beautiful_Horror  105 M
Hops off papa's shoulder to the nearest top bunk. Curls like a cat with spindly tail wrapped around her head.) Nitey Night. 😴
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