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LATREASE-83-  40 M
No I been spending time with my grand babies
Chrisdon100  43 H
Lol this is wild 😂 Sally u hilarious
V_I_V_A  38 M
I should be at home 🙄
Schase  26 H
She ain't leaving that house Synn.
V_I_V_A  38 M
I can barely open my eyes.. lol
LeatiAnoaiFatu  99 H
Her gett'n a car is like roach owning a Maserati 😅😅😅
Neighbaa  76 H
Damn that anointing oil
Youbhh  27 M
She said a 7th floor apartment .smh I can't do it
Schase  26 H
Trease u was playing speed demon today??? Go speed racer go!!!!
V_I_V_A  38 M
Sally go get all the rats. In the subway.. free protein foo.. Rata soup
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