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PolaivaoSika25  99 H
So he scammed and the other mf fell for it 🤦🏾‍♂️😅😅
PolaivaoSika25  99 H
*Goya beans 😅
PolaivaoSika25  99 H
Naw uso. That's another fat Mexican 😅
BO-_-BO  100 H
Yeah run lol
Schase  26 H
I wonder how much money he sent her
Sev_Sinatra  100 H
Sheeesh where Sin,I gotta c how this start'd lol
BO-_-BO  100 H
Black ppl.invented EVERYTHING lol put some respek onit
PolaivaoSika25  99 H
Boy u bout to eat a can of guys beans. Foh 😅😅
Schase  26 H
He the one that cat fished JoJo?
PolaivaoSika25  99 H
"dummest" huh 😅😅😅😅😅 keep post'n.
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