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IrritatingTGUNN  103 H
Without a doubt that heat wave in India will set all time global heat recor
Chazy_23  41 H
I heard they dying of heat stroke in India
IrritatingTGUNN  103 H
Record as 135° in death valley in like 1929. I felt that was probably low
U Old tommy act ur age 👋
Severe water shortage roads cars house's all melting
IrritatingTGUNN  103 H
I checked at the time and Wikipedia still listed the all time high temp
IrritatingTGUNN  103 H
And he's all the way north 100 miles from the Chinese border
Para Kang ta nga
IrritatingTGUNN  103 H
Panzer showed me 6 weeks ago it was steady 43-45° C where he is
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