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Whata man u are joey u on diz bs being a clwn when u give yo son attention
hating it & believing Ima Slave, u are u stupidNigger.God urDumbAsf frfrrt
don't worry about Me,I ain't da dumbfxck sitting in a country his wholeLife
Why u dnt spend time wth ya son dummy joey
Zezima  47 H
They gave you a check the first of the month that's what the Marines gave u
Zezima  47 H
What the Marines gave you show us what what they gave you
U mad at something an wish i had yo bad feeling gtfoh 4real
Zezima  47 H
Did the Marines give you a a scholarship to go to school afterwards or a jo
well move to dat countryNigger,Nobody making u stay here.
well move to dat countryNigger,Nobody making u stay here.
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