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KITT_  103
Lohgrey_Stargold  57
Claps for sissy, yaaaaay @ Beautiful
Beautiful_Horror  105 M
(Drops from the ceiling flips 180° landing on tiny hands and feet.) Tada!
PetalOfSpades  103 M
Teddys and pway in dweamwand togeda and sis Nymphy too!!
PetalOfSpades  103 M
Bwankie and dem new ones me ordered down Costco dat heat up and we hug tedd
PetalOfSpades  103 M
And paws and we waff becaush it so fun den me snuggle to baby bwudder unda
PetalOfSpades  103 M
It fwy away hiding agains den me and bwudder twy to catch dems wif our hand
PetalOfSpades  103 M
Wif ish and me wife up pillow and me say ME FOUND YEW! And it act scared an
PetalOfSpades  103 M
Me chase dem fwom wood to woom and behind chawes and dem pay hide and seek
PetalOfSpades  103 M
Me ward and pay wif baby bwudder chasing da happy spiwits ebwywhewe
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