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Sala de Chat: DeadndSaloon
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nitewatch  124 H
Noms on some corn
TayIor_  15 M
Having had made her way back inside to where everyone else was .c
Zynoa_Stargold  98 M
(Ooc. Awesome @ KITT) Bic. c+ and brought the tray to a table, seating herself so that she can consume the food.
nitewatch  124 H
Oh, try the red beans and rice
Zynoa_Stargold  98 M
She finally discovered one end of the buffet, and removed a tray with her right digits and paper napkin wrapped utensils with her left, depositing them on the tray before altering to scoop up some of each thing c+
KITT_  102
((Sorry, was pulled away, I did see the posts to me though.))
nitewatch  124 H
Winks at my son ,, as I place his plate, before him
Zynoa_Stargold  98 M
"Whoa! that breeze was something else." She teases her brother, Nite while quickly stepping towards her immediate right to avoid a collision. "Did anyone see the license plate number?"
nitewatch  124 H
Some grilled fish for Tomoe
nitewatch  124 H
Dashes out, only to return with beef brisket and smoked sausage, and
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