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X_Shangri-La_X  15 H
"I have been summonsed by the jugalette to throw the book at the very one who has broken the rules of the jugaloo's."
X_Shangri-La_X  15 H
Places his hatctets to his side as the jugaloos do when in fighting stance. "I am here for one purpose and that person is vengance on the very one who has sworn to destroy all those who are a threat"
Endora_DarkCross  107 M
"These very grounds hold her from ever rising back up to the surface again. The only solace was that she had given me to another before she could eat me. Now I watch here, over her grave. My stain is of an aberration. Her poison fills my body."
X_Shangri-La_X  15 H
Shangrila the wraith would appear from Nessus... "The Devil you say?? Asmodeus you're referring to am I correct?.."
Endora_DarkCross  107 M
"The one that ultimately ended her? Me. She did not spread her wealth with a Devil. Instead, she gave birth to me in secret."
Endora_DarkCross  107 M
"She was a full demoness. Evil as one could dictate. Her crimes fostered fear and respect by many."
Endora_DarkCross  107 M
"My mother's grave site lay here. There within the deady swamp, sealed for all eternity."
Laughs at ignorant sit back and watch you might actually learn something.. Narrow minded ppl never learn nor wanna be out of the box ..
Whos being voilent lmmfjao I'm just here to throw the book at the one who claims he's the boss of everyone
One kicked out of the family if they display violence towards anyone.. especially a jugalette..
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