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Baylis  40 H
ArmchairCubsFan  H
Well okay later Gators
ArmchairCubsFan  H
Nigerians have problems with me.
SpyTag  93 H
⬇️ ediot
ArmchairCubsFan  H
I quote the great JJGDiddy, "I'm the man"...
Marmalade3  96 M
Identify as a brendy lol
Witchie-  100 M
Im def not ghee .
Marmalade3  96 M
It's a gender ( BRENDY) LOL
ArmchairCubsFan  H
Wouldn't you like to be a Brendy too lol Dr Pepper
ArmchairCubsFan  H
Like the advertisement, I'm a brendy he's a Brendy she's a Brendy.
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