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KITT_  102
[Mimicking what would sound like a soft sigh, KITT, would then softly mutter to himself (confining his voice to his interior/cab speakers only).]"Oh, dear..It looks like it is going to be one of those Dreary evenings here again.."[His vocal tones,>>
Tomoe_  105 H
+>A tree, To then sit slumped 'pon the ground at it's base, Allowing a soft sigh to escape him* *Gfn*
Tomoe_  105 H
*Getting up the next day, The small boy stood to his feet, Before he treaded straight for the door slipping out, His head was lowered and his once vibrant violet hues were dulled as he then descended the front steps to tread out to +>
TwiztidChaos  43 H
TwiztidChaos  43 H
Dark-_-Soul  29 M
(Its ok Nite we understand)
nitewatch  124 H
Goes to said futon, gives Tomoe forehead kisses and nightnight boops
nitewatch  124 H
I’m sorry everyone, had to work late
Dark-_-Soul  29 M
"Goodnight Tomoe" I say in a quiet voice
Tomoe_  105 H
"Goodnight mom, Oyasumi everyone"..*Came soft sleepy vocals from the boy, As he snuggled up beneath his blanket, Hugging his plushie close, Closing his violet hues for slumber*
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