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Shiratori_Tenshi  34 H
"I don't know the entire story on that, but we will retrieve her"
KITT_  102
"Those are my sentiments Also, getting In then Out that is..I just want to get Elfia Out of there..The thought of her alone in such a place is..quite upsetting.."
Shiratori_Tenshi  34 H
"However, I don't think it will come to that. Id just like to get in and get out" -Sighing, he looked to see if Minato was still there-
KITT_  102
"Oh..oh, I see.."[Was softly uttered by, KITT, allowing for a beat of silence before he went on to say.]"I suppose I can understand that.."[He really did understand, as he had done similar things to protect others whilst on missions in the past.]
Shiratori_Tenshi  34 H
c> I will, nuke, the place. I do not doubt that you're capable, I'd just rather not have it on my conscience that you got hurt on my watch"
Shiratori_Tenshi  34 H
-He simply rolled his eyes at, Minato, speaking in softer tones- "Id rather you or your drone, not get caught. Or hurt. Destroyed, what have you. Because if they put up any sort of resistance c>
KITT_  102
"Of Course I have objections to this..Why should I have to be tossed out should something go wrong? Also, as, Minato, says..I should Hope you would do your best to ensure that nothing does go wrong, Tenshi.."
Minato_Stargold  101 M
"You will do your best to ensure that doesn't happen" *Minato spoke up from behind Tenshi* "Otherwise, I will string your entrails across the universe" n.n
Shiratori_Tenshi  34 H
"I will be, throwing you, through a portal, should anything go wrong" -Lowering his arms to his sides, Tenshi would blink for a singular moment- "If you have no objections to this?"
KITT_  102
"Well, Yes. If I am Allowed to take part in it."[Was his somewhat uncertain sounding response, before he went on asking.]"What is it that you have to say, Tenshi?.."
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