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JohnnyKing  44 H
Lmao Irons lost it
Chatter_1  53
Jesus Christ walked out of that tomb as King of ALL Kings
JohnnyKing  44 H
JohnnyKing  44 H
King solomon had a child with the queen of Sheba
JohnnyKing  44 H
They have no cultural claims to the land of Israel the ethiopians do
Chatter_1  53
Jesus Christ is coming back very soon 🙏
Chatter_1  53
Just like the passover, the blood of Jesus is what saves you
JohnnyKing  44 H
They speak Yiddish not Hebrew stupid
JohnnyKing  44 H
White jews are converted khazars eastern Europeans
JohnnyKing  44 H
Lmao 🤣
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