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Zynoa_Stargold  98 M
"One never knows, Itqal. She might have actually been a siren in another life." She replied with slight bemusement. Rising to a standing position. c+
LIAI_  100 M
"Sounds like Minato in the lobby" •LIAI said as she looked down at the food, wondering what this was going to taste like•
She them clamored back into her chair and looked at the food. “I uh… don’t THINK it’s fishies?”
“No fishes, pinky promise!” Dolly swore, silently begging the food to be anything but nautical. She took Chaz’ hand and guided her back to their table where the plates had been set up. /c
Katia_  23 M
“Yes Ma’am” She softly replied to her owner.
nitewatch  124 H
Places a gold deb-loon in front of the one known as Chazzlynne
Minato_Stargold  101 M
"Negative, Okaachan's in there as is nite and Oniisan" *Minato said sternly* "Let them handle it" *If not for nothing, Minato had seen one of them hiding the other earlier*
Dark-_-Soul  29 M
*Asks Zynoa politely "Could I have some chilli thx?? "
It was as if a switch had been flipped with the mention of food. She nodded, smearing the mess off of her face with her mud caked sleeve. “Don't let 'em feed us fishies, 'kay?”
Itqal  32 M
"Afraid of Katia? Hmm" Itqal turned her head slightly, "That one has a set of lungs on her. Almost like a siren going off"
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