Aussie Chat(9) Entrar | Regístrate GRATIS
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He was in here a week ago trying to make a pass at dark and I
He's that arrogant so called 100% Aussie bloke who swears he's a bogan
AUnique1  44 M
Who's Bogan 😳🤔
AUnique1  44 M
Well I wouldn't know..why would you
Sheepy_  H
and logically would yous
Sheepy_  H
i wouldnt make anything like that up. why would i
AUnique1  44 M
AUnique1  44 M
That's a horrendous BS yarn unna 🤭
AUnique1  44 M
Seeya Bogan 👋
Sheepy_  H
yous got what yous wanted byebye bogan
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